Posts Tagged ‘Daly City’


Day 27 – From San Francisco to Ventura, CA

October 29, 2008

After a bit of self inflicted hullabaloo (at one point, I mistook the fistful of change in my pocket for my keys and thus left said keys in Ryan’s apartment), I made it out of San Francisco much more easily than Vancouver. Once again, I made for the coast and followed Route 1, locally christened “The Cabrillo Highway.”

The fog rolled in pretty hardcore not long into the drive, once more limiting my photographic hijinks, which is probably a good thing so far as making good time goes. Despite the weather’s best efforts to keep my pace up, I did find a few excuses the get the camera out:

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On Palaces and Presidios

October 24, 2008

I’ve got another pile of photos, so I figured I’d better toss out another update while I have the chance:

In Mitchell, SD, they have the Corn Palace (hit up this earlier post for the lowdown). Not to be outdone, Daly City (just south of SanFran) has the Cow Palace:

In Soviet Russia, Cow Palace visits you!

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